Thursday, January 12, 2006



After much deliberation (between Timmy and I in a mini-Cooper on our way home one rainy night), it was agreed that setting up a common blog for RECCOS would further bring us closer together and allow us to live our lives as one! As mentioned before, many of us have our individual blogs which we rarely update, apart from a few gan eng ones... Hence having a common blog would serve many purposes. Allow me to present our case:

A livelier blog with numerous entries by multiple bloggers!
Having an individual blog is hard to maintain, unless you're one who frequently blogs. And even if you blog frequently, it's often hard to find something worth blogging about that interests people... Even more so in the near foreseeable future, we'll even less time on our hands to blog with more time spent on other commitments like work. Hence a greater need for a common blog! Here, you're not compelled to blog everyday, but just visit us every other day. It's here at the RECCOS blog where you can learn about the lives of each other and how they are getting along... Or just about anything else under the sun... I'm sure there are many of us like me who loves to share our ass-kicking lives with everyone else... And what better way and where other better place than here at the RECCOS blog?!

Digital Days of our Lives...
A blog not only serves as an avenue to pour out your grievances, but as a digital diary to log our days as we live our lives by. The RECCOS forum is testament to how quickly our blog can build up if each of us contributes... The RECCOS forum, started juz last year on 26th May 2005, now has more than 1000 posts, something to be proud of! (Not forgetting that I am post-er number 666. WHERE IS MY JEDI MUDSTER?!) I remember how the end of EPL 04/05 and hence the "death" of the fantasy league forum gave birth to a need for an alternate, more permanent forum which all of us have grown attached to... With a blog, we can now engrave our lives down in stone (you get the freakin' idea...) before it becomes just a memory... So, be part of the RECCOS blog!

Truly, a Decade of RECCOS and beyond...
We've come a long way since sec 1 and we're not about to stop anytime soon... In fact, I dream of the day when these blog and forum would be handed over to the next generation of RECCOS where the cycle will once again, come full circle. It's not everyday you see 15 guys plus minus, bonded by the same passion they share for soccer, remain together even after 10 years. It's sad we've already lost some... And it's not easy to add members to our ranks bcos they cant come from 10 years before can they? You dont hear me saying this but deep down inside of me... I'm proud of you guys. Really. When others hear me say "I'm going out with my secondary school friends..." they think I'm lame. WHO THE HELL GOES OUT WITH SECONDARY SCHOOL FRIENDS STILL? Me man, ME! And still will.

Half my life... I've Known You Guys...
To put it more accurately, we're beyond a decade. Strictly speaking, we were 1st acquainted on 2nd Jan 1995, in class 105. We were 12 then. We're turning 24 this year, and hence it's this year, we can all proudly declare - "Half my life, I've known you guys..." Repeat this sentence again, silently, passionately. Doesn't it just bring a tear to your eyes? A tear of sheer pride, joy and happiness? Our foresight has failed us in the sense, we didnt see ourselves coming this far and not starting a blog earlier... As such, we lost out on the site "" to a squarter who started juz days earlier, on 27th Dec 2005. Even "" is taken. Nevertheless, let this present site earmark the greatness of RECCOS for days to come! Cos for half my life, I've known you guys!

Before we start blogging, let me lay down some ground rules for the blog. First and foremost and also most importantly, no one, and I mean absolutely no one, should post any 1 liners here on our blog. All the 1-liner posts and flaming comments like "BerD you cock!" or "BerD you cockster!" should strictly be posted on the RECCOS forum only. Sites you're recommending, for detailed reading, if any, should be accompanied by a review, summary or your personal opinion/view... If it's juz any other funny link to view and forget - RECCOS forum. The above rules are not to dissuade all from blogging, but to prevent the blog from degenerating into a mirror site for our RECCOS forum. We dont ask for a lengthy post to describe in detail how your day went from the moment you step right out of your door to the second you're back in again. I shall stop at this cos I seriously think it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out what I'm trying to say...

Anyone and Everyone owns the RECCOS Blog! OWNAAAAAAAAGE!
I hereby implore anyone and everyone to blog here at the RECCOS blog. You DONT have to have perfect English; neither do you need flowery pi pi piak piak England to post here on the blog. Everyone has their own style; invent yours. Xuanwei's is perfect, Yaozhong's is precise and accurate, Timmy Boy's philosophical... And I'm pure crap. But here, no one gives a flying fuck about your genre of writing - here, we're more concerned about hearing what you have to say (if anything at all)! So blog away!

Last but not least, this blog site will soon undergo changes to its layout and template. But meanwhile, just blog. It can look radically different from what it is right now, but meanwhile, just blog. You may think your blog entry isnt as interesting, crappy and reader-friendly as mine, but just blog anyway. Each of you will be a member of this blog so you can blog in your own nick/name... So pls dont be a cock and sign off after each entry... Soon enough myself or Jeff (Incoming: Arrow!) will be posting a guide on how to beef up your entries using HTML codes for links to pictures or sites... Until then, BLOG AWAY!

1 comment:

j3ff said...

i still go out with my kindergarten friends. although i've seem to have lost contact with my best fren in kindergarten+pri sch. hope he still remembers me and invites me to his wedding this year!