Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Kopi with Berd and friends...

Had a cuppa kopi with Berd da Anaconda just this evening.
A cuppa of iced tea to be exact.
Seeing that I was near Clementi, and that he was in Clementi, I thought to myself, why not?

And so I was, in a coffeeshop with Berd and his friends.

There were quite a number or them, but I'm a sucker for remember names.
Remembered Melvin clearly though.
Cos he built of the same mould as Berd da Anaconda, ie: SUPER Good Cockster.
It was friggin' hilarious talking with him. He is one solid fellow sia.
And his actions.
Can fight with Berd.
From telling us about what happened in his camp instructor(or something) days to his RV sec school cock-a-nathan incidents(most memorable being this freak guy that can salivate half a beaker of saliva....), he did it with the same gusto as Berd re-enacting a particular farnni cock story.
No wonder they friends sia~~~

Anyway, nothing much this post,
just wanna say thanks Berd, for the teh, the ciggys, the company and the wonderful people I've met today.

PS: Wed's heh mee is on. Who wants to jump on the bandwagon(ie: lim bei's car) please holler out asap. As of now, the confirmed strength is me, Goose, Berd and Billy(Berd claims he will psycho him). Sw da regular seems swayed, Snake.. if he can wake up at least. And of cos, XW, who can just go there watch us eat?

1 comment:

BerD said...

I humbly decline the honour of being equivalent to Melvin - He's of a different league... I really REALLY pale in comparison to him...

Actually got 1 more fella gan hiong one... Xuanwei of all, should know... "That" soccer match.