Meet... Jane? Jane I think... Nvm let's call her Jane!
Anyway she invited me to ride her (broom) and of cos I couldn't deny!
See? BerD is all so happy!
Hard Fast Facts abt Jane: Fair, very feminine, friendly and has got mega-watt smile!
Classed, atas and damn glam... Easily, the best set of racks of the lot!
fast-forward >>> The next morning after a mad night of clubbing...
shaoshaoshao and I went for a jog ard the Boujoulais region...
Beautiful scenery aside... I run until sibeh gan shagged...
And when I returned to the chateau, dear missy Jane juz woke up...
And from her bedroom window, she called out oh-so-sweetly to me...
Juz to greet me "GOOD MORNING!"
Wah liew... Nose bleed man tell you... There she was...
Standing at the window, hands behind her head... Tying her hair...
Chest *ahem!* out... Mega-watt smile... Good Morning, BerDie!
I run finish liao fat liao shagged liao... See this kind of power de...
Legs soft already become lagi soft...
Her husband would be 1 lucky bastard...
Waking up every morning so such a lovely sight...
... Bastard...
But honestly... Not for me lah...
Cos she belong to the "ATAS" type de... BerD is "Bawah" de... XD
From left: Superman-Shao, Spiderman-Seng, Alcoholic-Angie and Joker-Jase!
From left: Adam-Adam, Eve-Eliza, Elmo-Eric...
This pic is worth a special mention... Eric on the right, is SUPER humble, SUPER friendly...
And has got eyes to die for really... I can imagine many girls going smitten over looking straight into his eye!
Kudos to Eliz too... Elysee... Elysse... Dunno lah... Very daring wor! Bra + leaves = Eve!
And that fat schmugg-looking Adam Schmugg-mugger (his name damn kickass de...)
He also deserves a special mention leh...
Flashback 1: There was this once on the bus... I was seated all the way at the front...
Dunno where the rest of those bastards were... And while we were on the road...
I was sleeping (as usual)... Or so I thought...
Adam, our dear fren... Had to wake me up...
Juz so I could watch him perform an air guitar...
Juz imagine... Adam with a constipated cheebong face...
Performing an air guitar... And waking me up juz so he could perform to me...
Why sia... Why why why!? Why does shit happen to me?!
It was that fateful then... When I started having violent dreams...
Of Adam and a certain camera tripod...
(P.S: Soon enough it was someone else who had those violent dreams...)
Gladiator GG Jesus Christ: John, above... Is an interesting guy... Very witty...
He's typically the British kind of guy... Who could perform on standup comedies anytime...
Britain who grew up in Aussie... And now on a tour around Europe with new-found frens...
Now how cool is that?
And why was he on a tour around Europe?
Well apparently, he's been working for a while now... And he got sick of it...
Some IT fella... He said he's been too much of a nerd for a long time now...
He specifically mentioned... Life isn't about working... It never was....
Now how COOL is that eh?! Loved him...
Apart from Taylor (to be introduced later)... He practically one of the few whom you could hold an intelligent conversation with...
The rest are juz... "Hey! Guys! Did you watch the show on TV last night?!
The policeman's shorts were like... Ultra short!" *giggles... (Reference to some bimbotic gals...)
Alex Brenson aka Slut of the Night + BerD: He said "Grab your fill, bitch!"
He's also 1 cool dude... That bitch above! 1 crazy bitch in fact!
He's always drunk... And always crazy... Along with his partner in crime - Grant...
There was this once... Grant and Alex had this crazy bet to get across a river - DRY.
Obviously that didnt happen... And would never happen...
They did get across the river though... Alex however, came out 1 shoe less...
HAHAHAHAHA and for the whole day the day after...
He was walking around Europe barefooted...
UBER COOL! Some kind soul in Germany took pity on him...
And offered to sell him a pair of footwear...
A pair of soccer boots. Yup, SOCCER BOOTS!
Hahahaha I dunno that one is kind soul or pure jek ark...
But Alex wore his €20 pair of soccer boots proudly around Germany anyway...
BerD + 2 very lovely + loving ladies! Cathy/Catherine (I forgot... Someone fill me in pls...) aka Catwoman on mi left and Angie aka Alligator Hunter on mi right! That Cat-woman hor... Ish beri the foxy leh...Beri the MEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOW!
GooSe and I-forgot-who... (Hint: I don't give a flying fark abt people I dont like...) But quite an eye candy lah...
Epitome of EFFORT.
Catherine/Cathy/Catwoman in the background!
Ish beri cute wors! Beri beri foxy wor!
She goes ard saying MEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! (With paws showing!)
To XW: Ya lah ya lah this kind I like lah... Okay? LoLoL
P.S: I swear by my balls a certain beasty terrorist was staring at Jane's boobs here in this pic...
Plead guilty, you horny terrorist!
A shot of Da Cave - Everyone's queuing up to buy drinks... It's also at this fateful place where Tim and BerD, the last 2 Singaporeans standing, met their match.
The "Snake Shot" as we all know it...
Well... It brought Tim back to his bed...
And BerD too... But not before he... XxXxXxX (Pls contact BerD for details...)
RECCOS and the world, meet Ryan - Rod Steward for the night!
Oh and have I told you peeps?
How he totally made our 1st view of the Eiffel one of the most memorable images of our Contiki tour?
Eternally etched in my mind... And for that... I'll always remember this man...
Meet the 3 lovely gals from Montreal!
(P.S: For those who didn't know, me included, their city is ranked higher than Singapore in terms of the desirability to live in!)
From left: Gabrielle ala Garbage, Don't-Know, Forgot.
So... Anybody got anything to say abt the pic above?
Cos I FREAKING HELL DO! Yuppie yup yup!
That one my type! Confirm! Type BerD. She's really a fun gal lor!
Sweet, pixie, cute...
Cute, pixie sweet...
More on her later... See more of her pics 1st!
Oh man... This pic rocks to the skies I'm telling you...
Whoever took this pic... KUDOS TO YOU MY MAN!
Cos whever I see this pic... Alamak...
1 Canadian cutie pie... 1 Italian-Canadian cutie pie also...
Wah lau eh... Nose bleed. Confirm.
My knees go soft and my eyes become all dreamy again...
Makes me wanna go back to that moment there and then...
At the Boujoulais...
Goose a la Gladiator, Gabrielle a la Garbage Gal and Shao Shao Shao a la Superman!
Enter: Gabrielle Cardin
She's one helluva babe I'm telling you! Petite, fun-loving... Cheeky... Cute... Pixie... Awesome hair... And wat a nose! RAWR! You all probably know by now lah... I've got this thing for petite gals... Feminine yet sporty and all... Hahaha...
Oh and did I mention she's cute?
She's cute bcos she plays soccer with us guys...
And uber cute cos she cheats by hugging me...
But who the hell is complaining!?
Fast Forward >>> I remember at Fusina, Italy, juz outside Venice...
RECCOS played soccer and oh man!
She chased me all over the field! Weeeeee... Hahahaha...
I can totally imagine her to be a really fun gf...
One you can juz take to a park and play soccer with!
Awesome gal... Sporty too! =)
Here, she pays tribute to te legendary Anaconda, by offering him a toast of red wine! RawR!
All hail da Anaconda from the depths of South America!
Euro Secret! - Well it wont be a secret no more if I share it here right?
But what the hell... I am compelled to share this bcos...
I wanna showcase wat a brudder Snake that sly piece of shit really is deep down inside...
He actually knows I had a crush on Gabby wor!
(But it wasnt hard to guess then... Cos she was obviously also interested in me! I think...)
Well that fateful afternoon before the mad party in the Cave...
She climbed along the parapet outside the windows of the castle we were staying at in the Boujoulais region...
Very happening right? Hahaha! And she came over to our room! Gwehehehehe...
I was sleeping (as usual...) and she wanted in into our room...
I tell you that sly slithering snake very brudder...
He claimed he dunno how to "open the darn window"... So he asked me to do it instead...
While the rest chose to say/think he toopid! I think I know better!
He's FARKING TOOPID I TELL YOU! No lah... He give me chance lah... Wat a bro.
Okay lah nothing much happened except she wanted to show me ard the castle, holding my hand! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hahahaha!
Although I thought I knew the layout of the castle a lot better than her...
But oh well... I juz played along also... Bwahahahaha.... I can still recall... Sibeh shiok ah! (^^,)
RECCOS + Gabrielle Cardin + 1 more gal - Bettina Miessl (Not impt.)
P.S: Check out Yoda... Totally kickass I tell you! Awesome shit!
RECCOS + Ryan (Rod Steward) + John (Dressed as Jedi, our dearest driver - another cool dude), BerD da Anaconda and Gabby - See how much she likes me?
She simply cant hide it! LoLoLoL!
Oh and did I mention? Gabby even bought me a drink!
It's the 1st time in my (loser) life perhaps, a gal ever bought me a drink! GAWD!
It goes to show 2 things -
Gabby really likes me deep deep! Gwehehehehe...
And that Singaporean gals juz expect to be treated to drinks but never think of doing likewise for her guy... (o.O) Oh well...
Hahahaha seeing the pictures taken at the Cave...
Brings back awesome memories everytime... ANYTIME!
The Initials Party...
The Cave in itself...
The poisonous Snake shot (that almost killed me and Tim...)
And most of all... My dearest cutie pixie sporty Gabby! d(^.^)b